Line Plot

Use the Line Plot component to display real-time or historical data.

Real-Time Plot

To display live data from a channel or set of channels, use the Channel.LinePlot component and provide it with a line whose variant is set to "dynamic". This will continuously update the plot with new data as it arrives.


Here’s a simple example that pulls the most recent 30 seconds of data from a channel and displays it in a line plot.


Here’s the code for that example.

import { Channel, TimeSpan } from "@synnaxlabs/pluto";

const MyDynamicLinePLot = () => (
    style={{ width: 800, height: 500 }}
        key: "line1",
        axes: { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
        channels: {
          x: "stream_write_example_time",
          y: "stream_write_example_data_1",
        color: "#3774d0",
        label: "Line 1",
        variant: "dynamic",
        strokeWidth: 2,
        timeSpan: TimeSpan.seconds(30),
        key: "x1",
        label: "Time",
        location: "bottom",
        type: "time",
        key: "y1",
        label: "Values",
        location: "left",

Historical Plot

You can also using the Channel.LinePlot component to display historical data. To do this, set the variant prop of the line to "static", and provide a timeRange prop that specifies the time range of the data to display. Here’s updated code for the previous example that displays data from a specific time range.

const MyHistoricalLinePlot = () => (
    style={{ width: 800, height: 500 }}
        key: "line1",
        axes: { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
        channels: {
          x: "stream_write_example_time",
          y: "stream_write_example_data_1",
        color: "#3774d0",
        label: "Line 1",
        variant: "static",
        strokeWidth: 2,
        timeRange: {
          start: new Date("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
          end: new Date("2022-01-02T00:00:00Z"),
        key: "x1",
        label: "Time",
        location: "bottom",
        type: "time",
        key: "y1",
        label: "Values",
        location: "left",


Here’s a summary of the props available for the Channel.LinePlot component.

linesArray<Channel.StaticLineProps | Channel.DynamicLineProps>Required


The lines prop is an array of objects that defines the lines that will be displayed on the plot. There are two types of lines, those with variant="static" and those with variant="dynamic". A static line is used to display historical data, and requires a timeRange prop, while a dynamic plots rolling real-time data and requires a timeSpan prop. Here is a summary of the props available for each type of line.

keystringRequiredA unique key to identify the line.
  x: string | number,
  y: string | number
RequiredThe keys or the names of the channels to plot on the x and y axes.
  x: string, 
  y: string 
RequiredThe keys of the axes to plot the lines on. For best results, the x-axis should be horizontal and the y-axis should be vertical.
variant"static" | "dynamic"RequiredThe type of line to display. See above for more information.
timeRange CrudeTimeRange Required for static lines. The time range to display for the line. Data for all channels will be fetched for this time range.
timeSpanCrudeTimeSpanRequired for dynamic lines.The rolling interval to display for the line. Data for all channels will be continuously updated for this time span.
colorstringRequiredThe color of the line.
labelstring""The label to display in the legend.
strokeWidthnumber2The width of the line.


The axes prop is an array of objects that define the axes to display on the plot.

keystringRequiredA unique key to identify the axis.
labelstringRequiredThe label to display on the axis.
location"top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"RequiredThe location of the axis. Multiple axes can in the same location. The first axes will be the outermost axis, and the last axes will be the innermost.
type"time" | "linear""linear"The scale type to use. A time axis will display timestamps, while a linear axis will display numerical data.
colorstring"pluto-gray-l3"The color of the axis.
gridColorstring"pluto-gray-l1"The color of the grid lines.
labelstring""The label to display on the axis.
"h1" | "h2" | "h3" | 
"h4" | "h5" | 
"p" | "small"
"p"The size of the label to display, organized by heading level.
labelDirection"x" | "y" "x" if horizontal, "y" if vertical.The orientation of the label.
  lower: number, 
  upper: number 
AutomaticThe bounds of the axis. If not provided, the bounds will be calculated and continuously updated based on the data.
showGridbooleantrueWhether to display grid lines on the plot for the axis.